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Getting to Know Robots.txt: An Important SEO Tool

Charlotte PenningtonAug 08, 2024
In search engine optimization, technical factors play a pivotal role in terms of how your website is indexed and ranked. Among such elements is the robots.txt file. This deceptively elementary file can greatly be the making or breaking of how your digital presence is perceived and therefore ranked in vital search engines. In this piece, we will discuss what a robots.txt file is, why it is so important, how one can view and use it, and lastly, the best practices when setting up the robots.txt file. 

What is a Robots.txt File?


The robots.txt file is the text file placed in your website’s main directory, which gives the directives on how search engines should treat the pages on your website. It uses a set of standards known as the Robots Exclusion Protocol, which allows a Web owner to specify permissible or restricted access to Web crawlers for a given site or page within a site. It informs the so-called “bots” or “spiders” exactly what it won’t allow them to scan.


For instance, a simple robots.txt code is like:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /private/

Allow: /public/


In the above code snippet, notice how all spiders are prohibited from scanning any pages under the “/private/” directory, yet it allows access to the “/public/” directory.


What is Robots.txt and Why is it Important?


There are a couple of basic functionalities that make the robots.txt file important for your website’s SEO:

1. Crawler Control: This enables webmasters to declare the areas that a website should not crawl or index. This could become crucial in the case of areas that might be hosting sensitive information or areas with duplicate content, which are otherwise likely to dilute the SEO effectiveness of the website.

2. Bandwidth Saving: Stop crawling the unwanted non-essential heavy resource pages to save the server’s bandwidth and ensure that the crawlers focus on important pages.

3. Quick Updates: If there is any change in the site structure, then a robot.txt file upgrade will inform the search engine crawlers about the new crawling protocols and preferences of pages. Most of the time, it does not demand significant updates from the site itself.

4. Duplicate Content Issues Resolved: Disallowing turns down many pages from the search engine list, hence erasing the possibility of duplicate content being indexed and affecting your rank in the search results.


5. Guided Discovery: You may as well direct a search engine robot to new posts or pages, thus allowing search engines to find your main content sooner.


How to View the Robots.txt File


It is quite easy to view your robots.txt file on a site. Here’s how to do that:

Open your web browser to the end of the website URL, and add /robots.txt. To view Google’s for instance, you would add https://www.google.com/robots.txtto view theirs.

Press Enter, and you will see the robots.txt file’s contents, provided it exists. If it doesn’t exist, you will be greeted with a message that states the file cannot be found.


How to Use Robots.txt File


Optimal use of the robots.txt file requires some level of mastery of its instructions for search engines and users. Some of the critical instructions include:

1. User-agent: This identifies the crawler for which the rule is. The use of * is valid for all crawlers.

2. Disallow: Which pages or directories should a crawler not go to?

3. Allow: If you want a specific child page of a directory not to be indexed, then, despite the disallow, you can use such a page through the Allow command.

4. Sitemap: It is better to have the link of your site’s sitemap in the robots.txt. This increases the likelihood that the search engine will discover additional indexed pages.

An ideal robots.txt file will look something like this:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /private/
Allow: /public/
Sitemap: https://www.yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml


How to Create a Robots.txt File


Creating a robots.txt file is not a problem. Just follow a few steps to set up your file.

1. Create the File: Open a text editor, such as Notepad. Create a new file. Save this new file as robots.txt.

2. Add Directives: Add the proper directives as per your needs, be clear, and experiment with varying configurations according to the concept of how your website is structured.

3. Upload the File: Using FTP or your web hosting service, copy the robots.txt file to your root website folder. An example will be, for instance, https://www.yourwebsite.com/robots.txt.

4. Test the File: Re-visit the robots.txt URL to ascertain that it can be accessed. Alternatively, you can use Google’s Robots Testing Tool to validate your configurations.


How to Know When the Robots.txt File is Blocked


In the case of blocking or non-availability of robots.txt, it would hamper the search engine to crawl your site. These are the things that you can probably do:

1. Permissions: Settings allowed on this file from your server. Permissions should be 644, generally, for access to the public.

2. Check the location of the file: The file must be placed in the root directory itself; it won’t be found if it’s inside any subdirectory.

3. Check directory listing: Make sure your server shows a directory listing. If this has been disabled, then the search engines can’t see the actual files they are supposed to go through.

4. Server Log Analysis: Analyze server logs after errors have been detected about the crawling effort to collect more information about the issue.

5. Professional Help: If you cannot solve these problems by yourself, then you may want to seek assistance from an SEO specialist or your website provider.




The robots.txt file is not just a simple document; it serves as an essential SEO tool that allows for detailed management of how search engines access and interpret your website. When you understand the role this file plays and set it up properly, you can influence the way your site is indexed and drive better performance for your website in search. Remember, a well-constructed robots.txt file can go a long way to ensuring a better user experience and possibly a higher search engine ranking. Spend some time getting it right, and then analyze its efficacy in your overall SEO strategy!